
 Australian Pelicans

                  By  Ken Wang           20/11/2011

The Australian Pelicans are found all around
In Australia wherever there is water you might be able to find pelicans.
Australian Pelicans are big birds with a very
large wingspan and large bill .
The wingspan long is 2.5 to 3.4meters and the pouched bill is about 0.5 meter long.
   Bill pouch that can hold 13 liters of water.
The Pelican bill pouch is pink.
Thier feathers are white in colour with wingtips and black markings on their tail.
Their eyes are brown and white
Pelicans like place of suttable water and
Sufficient fish,   Because their favorite
food are fish.

Australian pelicans that live in the wild can
Live between 10 and 25 years.
Looking the pictures please

1)This is a pelican live in Kaima black beach
2)The pelican flying up the sky, we can looked its very large wingspan.
3)Looking please,The pelicans large bill and with pink.

4)The open bill and you looked that
large pouch.
5)When the person threw a chunk of fish the pelican caught the fish and swallowed it
6) This is a pelican colony in central cost .

If you need to more information please Intenet search  “Australian Annimals”